Personality is the collective exposure of personal character traits of an individual which can be his thought pattern, feelings, and emotional exuberance. Psychology treats personality development as an ongoing and dynamic process which is largely impacted by the atmosphere. The evaluating factors of personality are neuroticism, openness to experience, extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.
Personality refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. The study of personality focuses on two broad areas:
Understanding individual differences in particular personality characteristics, such as sociability or irritability, and
Understanding how the various parts of a person come together as a whole.
Personality Development typically means improving and grooming your outer and inner self to bring about a positive transformation into your life. Each human being has a unique persona that can be developed, brightened and refined. This process includes boosting one’s confidence, improving communication and speaking abilities, broadening his or her scope of knowledge and expertise, developing certain skills, learning basic etiquettes and manners, style works as an add-on and grace to the way you look, talk and walk and overall imbibing yourself with positivity, proactive attitude and peace.
This entire process of development takes place over a period of time. Even though there are many crash courses in personality development made available to all age groups, executing this to your daily routine and bringing about a constructive transformation in you takes a substantial amount of time. You can take a few tips and develop your own aura or charm, rather than joining a full-fledged personality development course.
You might have heard people saying “Think Positive”. It works wonders.
Smile as it adds to your face value and to your personality.
Read the articles in the newspaper/magazine loudly by standing in front of the mirror. This will help in pronouncing correctly and communicating fluently.
Follow table manners and dining etiquettes.
Take good care of your health, dress well, be neat and organized.
Analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Concentrate and focus on the weaknesses more and find ways to improve upon the same. Work on your strengths as well.
Spend time with yourself alone concentrating on yourself.
Practice meditation and yoga. It helps in developing inner contentment and harmony that will reflect outside.
Do not live in Monotony.
Be creative and learn new skills after every 3-4 months.
Personality development is gaining more and more importance because it helps people to create a good impression especially where it matters – in a corporate world. Personality Development courses also helps people to build and develop relationships. It also helps building your career and gaining an edge over someone especially in an interview because employers are always looking for smart individuals. After all, personality development is a tool that makes you realize your capabilities and strengths making you a contended, positive and a lively person.
Personality Development Training can be broadly classified based on the type of training:
Corporate Training
Business Communication Training
Soft Skills Training
Leadership Training
Personality Development enhances and grooms ones inner self to bring about a positive change to our life. It brings about a change in our appearance and attitude as well. Each individual has a distinct personality that has scope to be developed, polished, refined and enhanced. Personality development process includes building self confidence, improving communication – be it verbal or non verbal, enhancing language speaking abilities and guiding students with their pronunciation, widening the overall knowledge arena especially general knowledge, developing your hobbies or skills that are pleasurable, learning social etiquettes and table manners, adding style and grace to the personality and making people positive and cheerful.
Personality development training modules would comprise of all those skills that can be used to develop and groom personal & professional life. “Hard skills” refer to specific skills that are used on specific jobs. For example, being able to back a semi-trailer up to a loading dock without hitting anything or anybody is a “hard skill” that is necessary to be a truck driver.
Reporting to work on time, being able to take direction, and having enough initiative to be productive are “soft skills.” It is noticed that how these skills are important to truck drivers. Employers seek these skills in everyone they hire. Soft skills are the basic requirements for job opportunities that an employer seeks. Make sure that you display your hard skills as well as your soft skills in a balanced manner on your resume to stand out from the other job candidates. Soft skills promote serviceable skills. The HR practitioners stand by the slogan of ‘Recruit for Attitude, Train for Skill’ during the interview thereby further strengthening that soft skills are employability skills.
Know you are incomparable
You bring your self-esteem down by comparing yourself with others. That shrivels your personality and does not let your strengths blossom . Know that you and the other person are unique and are just incomparable.
Give space to imperfection
People and situations always do not fit in your frame of perfection. Often, that makes one agitated and angry, eventually diminishing the strength of their personality. So, find your peace amidst the world’s flaws even as you strive to make a change.
Be spontaneous
Spontaneity makes one to be fun around. However, do not confuse being spontaneous with being impulsive. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, that while the former is the key to success, the latter can causes disasters. So, how do you be truly spontaneous? By being cent percent aware in the present moment.
Be light in mind and heart
Don’t overthink and overanalyze. Neither let any negativity like shame, anger, jealousy or greed stay in your consciousness for too long. Instead, learn to take it easy; forgive easily and drop grudges against people as soon as they pop up. Being light in mind and heart makes you truly happy from within. And who does not like happy people?
Stay enthusiastic
Enthusiasm is infectious and appealing. That is why everyone loves kids. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, that despite adverse situations in life, one must never give up their enthusiasm. Here is Gurudev’s secret of staying enthusiastic.
Be kind to yourself
We are taught to be kind to others. Yet, many of us fail to be kind to ourselves. Studies show that self-compassion brings positive traits like optimism, extroversion, wisdom, happiness, positivity and resilience. According to Emma Seppala, research psychologist at Stanford University, self-compassion involves three steps:
Recognize that you deserve care and concern like anyone else and that is why you must be kind and understanding with oneself.
Recognize that making mistakes and failing is part of life. So, do not be hard on yourself when you commit a mistake or fail and indulge in self-critical thoughts.
Be aware of one’s emotions and feelings.
​​Contrary to popular belief, self-compassion does not mean letting yourself off the hook. Rather, it means taking corrective action, albeit without being too self-critical.

Be a better communicator
A couplet in Kannada says that words can create laughter and can also create enmity. A skillful communicator can win over people and adverse situations. So, bring clarity in your communication. Learn how you can be an excellent communicator with these tips from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Be warm and approachable
We all like people with whom we can easily mingle and talk to. No one likes a person who responds with a straight face. So, learn to be warm. Flash that smile more often. Be friendly and be ready to share and help.
Do things with style
Doing things with style adds zing to your personality. The secret to doing things with style lies in working with passion and a relaxed mind. So, while you work at something, don’t let anything distract you from putting all your energy into it. At the same time, stay relaxed.
Learn to let go
After you’re done with a task, let go of your attachment with the result. When you let go, you become free, calm and relaxed - attributes of a strong personality.
Be a lion in the face of danger
Don’t give into pressure and face every challenge confidently. Either you will overcome the adversity or learn something invaluable.
Stay calm with the power of breath
Being calm strengthens one’s personality. However, staying calm can be difficult when you have a terrible headache and have an urgent deadline to meet. In such situations, tap the power of breath. As soon as you become aware of it, your stress will diminish!
Remember you’re a proton
A proton can never lose its positivity. Nor can you! Stress may affect us on the outside. However, your inner core continues to radiate positivity like a proton. It stays unaffected, happy and peaceful. Tune into this part of yourself again and again with the help of meditation. The process energizes and brings out positive traits like enthusiasm.

All the modules are designed considering the traditional learning needs of people; and important examples are provided to make the sessions easier to understand. It is generic in nature that can further be advantageous to any person right from the individuals working in the industry set up or the students who are curious to learn or even to people keen to learn about the life skills just for their own betterment.
These personality skills are majorly ignored and not taught in any school, college, or institute during academic years; however as we grow, we tend to realize that these are the basic personality tools which would establish your career paths as well as your whole personality in near future.
Therefore, polishing and refining these skills is the most fundamental step that one should take to grow personally as well as professionally.
Learning Objectives Personality Development Training:
To improve soft skills, communicate effectively & grow as a professional.
Develop your overall personality and gain confidence in your daily encounters and present yourself assertively.
Freudian Analysis: Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality argues that human behaviour is the result of the interactions among three component parts of the mind: the id, ego, and superego. This theory, known as Freud’s structural theory of personality, places great emphasis on the role of unconscious psychological conflicts in shaping behaviour and personality.
Swami Vivekananda Concept of Personality Development: He said the following, which will be further explained in the training module –

It’s Personality that matters
Have Control
Influence of Thought
What should be the Attitude? - We must have these four sorts of ideas. We must have friendship for all; we must be merciful to those who are in misery; when people are happy, we ought to be happy; and to the wicked, we must be indifferent.
Change yourself first and then take the whole responsibility
How to Work? – Real activity, which is the goal of Vedanta, is combined with eternal calmness, the calmness which cannot be ruffled, the balance of mind which is never disturbed, whatever happens.
Work like a Master – The whole gist of this teaching is that you should work like a master and not as a slave; work incessantly, but do not do slave’s work. The man who works through freedom and love cares nothing for results. But the slave wants his whipping; the servant wants his pay.
Doing Good to the World and Unselfishness brings Success
Its love that pays – Nothing else is necessary but these three – love sincerity and patience.
Be Strong, Brave, Free and Heroic – Strength is life, weakness is death. Strength is felicity, life eternal, immortal; weakness is constant strain and misery; weakness is death. “When you first came into this world, the world rejoiced and you cried; now live your life in doing such acts that when you will leave this world, the world will cry for you and you will leave it laughing.” If you can do that, then you are a human.
Have faith in your own self and don’t imitate
Have a sense of Equality and power of Concentration
We have a flexible class structure as per the student's convenience.The class test will be conducted regularly as well as entrance exam pattern.We provided relevant study material to our students.Our biggest strength is that we assist you in formulating a personalized strategy based on your strength and weaknesses which is often ignored by the most student.We conduct our classes in following ways.This includes:
Regular live classes are conducted by our faculty over Skype as they go over numerous concepts and problem-solving tricks
Special doubt-clearing classes are conducted regularly as the student progresses through the course
Mock tests are conducted on a weekly basis to track the progress of the student
A thorough analysis of the tests are conducted so that the student gets to work on weak points
Pre recorded video lectures by our esteemed faculty are available for those who cannot attend regular classes
Lectures are custom tailored according to the course requirement, adhering strictly to the latest syllabus
Special doubt clearing classes are conducted regularly as the student progresses through the course
Mock tests are conducted on a weekly basis to track progress of the student
A thorough analysis of the tests are conducted so that the student gets to work on weak points
Offline live classes are held every day at our prestigious study centers, conducted by our esteemed faculty.
Regular doubt clearing sessions are conducted
Video backups are provided for students who have missed the classes
Weekly mock tests are conducted to track progress of the students
A complete analysis of the tests are conducted so that the student gets to work on the weak points
STUDY MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED free of cost to students who have enrolled in our programs
Our faculty of highly qualified teachers and researchers have combed through several books and journals, having collected and processed all the information so that it becomes easily accessible to the student. The study material is prepared in a time tested fashion with the student kept in mind in such a fashion that the student can catch up on the various topics in the event of missed lectures. Besides the theory being extensively discussed, an enormous collection of problems has been added so that the student can learn to apply the concepts over a diverse spectrum of difficulty. All the problems have been worked out thoroughly so that in case the student gets stuck, we've got you covered !