Here, At Sourav Sir’s Classes, one will get a vivid description about various career options, analytical skills, tricks and ways to solve highly competitive examinations easily by SOURAV SIR’S study materials and tuitions both online and offline giving the student an exceptional advantage over other students.
Our goal is to nurture the brightest minds of the present and future generations.

At Sourav Sir's Classes, we believe that a healthy environment and the right amount of work helps a student achieve peak performance levels. So we have tried to invoke that spirit through the various facilities available at our tuition study centres for all our programs. These facilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

notes and study materials
STUDY MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED FREE of cost to the students who have ENROLLED in our programs
Our faculty of highly qualified teachers and researchers have combed through several books and journals, having collected and processed all the information so that it becomes easily accessible to the student. The study material is prepared in a time tested fashion with the student kept in mind in such a fashion that the student can catch up on the various topics in the event of missed lectures. Besides the theory being extensively discussed, an enormous collection of problems has been added so that the student can learn to apply the concepts over a diverse spectrum of difficulty. All the problems have been worked out thoroughly so that in case the student gets stuck, we've got you covered!