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Indian Economic Services (IES) Exam Mastery Program
Course Content:
Welcome message and course overview
Introduction to the Indian Economic Services (IES) exam and its significance
Discussion on the career opportunities and benefits of cracking the IES exam
Week 1: Introduction to Indian Economy and Current Affairs
Overview of the Indian economy and its key sectors
Understanding the economic policies and reforms in India
Analysis of current economic trends and issues
Study materials and resources for Indian economy and current affairs
Week 2: Microeconomics
Introduction to microeconomics and its fundamental concepts
Analysis of consumer behavior, demand, and supply
Market structures and their implications on the economy
Case studies and practice exercises for microeconomics
Week 3: Macroeconomics
Overview of macroeconomics and its key principles
Study of national income, inflation, and employment
Monetary and fiscal policies and their impact on the economy
Practice exercises and quizzes for macroeconomics
Week 4: Economic Development and Planning
Understanding the concepts of economic development and planning
Analysis of economic indicators and measures of development
Examination of various Five-Year Plans in India
Case studies and practice exercises for economic development and planning
Week 5: International Economics
Overview of international trade and its significance for the Indian economy
Analysis of trade policies and barriers
Understanding foreign exchange markets and exchange rate systems
Practice exercises and quizzes for international economics
Week 6: Public Finance and Fiscal Policy
Study of public finance and government budgeting
Analysis of taxation systems and policies
Understanding fiscal policy and its role in economic stability
Case studies and practice exercises for public finance and fiscal policy
Week 7: Indian Financial System
Introduction to the Indian financial system
Study of banking, insurance, and capital markets in India
Analysis of regulatory frameworks and financial institutions
Practice exercises and quizzes for the Indian financial system
Week 8: Mock Tests and Time Management
Importance of mock tests in IES exam preparation
Strategies for effective time management during the exam
Analysis of mock test results and identification of strengths and weaknesses
Strategies for improving performance based on mock test feedback
Week 9: Economic Survey and Budget Analysis
Study of the Economic Survey of India
Analysis of the Union Budget and its implications on the economy
Understanding budgetary allocations and economic policies
Practice exercises and quizzes for economic survey and budget analysis
Week 10: Revision and Doubt Clearing
Comprehensive revision of all IES exam topics
Addressing doubts and clarifying concepts from previous weeks
Last-minute tips and strategies for the exam day
Final mock tests and practice sessions for thorough preparation
At Sourav Sir’s Classes, one will get a vivid description about various career options, analytical skills, tricks and ways to solve highly competitive examinations easily by SOURAV SIR’S study materials and tuitions both online and offline giving the student an exceptional advantage over other students.
IES is the administrative inter-ministerial civil service under Group A of the Central Civil Services of the executive branch of the Government of India.

At Sourav Sir's Classes, we believe that a healthy environment and the right amount of work helps a student achieve peak performance levels. So we have tried to invoke that spirit through the various facilities available at our tuition study centres for all our programs. These facilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Indian Economic Service (abbreviated as IES) is an organized Group-A Central Civil Services of the executive branch of the Government of India.
The Indian Economic Service along with Indian Statistical Service (ISS) was constituted as a Group-A Central Service on 1 November 1961 by a Gazette notification. All statistical posts of different ministries and departments were pooled together in the initial constitution of service
A candidate for the Indian Economic Service must have obtained a Post-Graduate Degree in Economics/Applied Economics/Business Economics/Econometrics from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other Educational Institutes
Established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as University u/s 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or a Foreign University approved by the Central Govt. from time to time.